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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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Congratulations to our winner of the Alpha Kicktipp game for Euro 2024!

We are delighted to announce the winner of our exciting kick-tip competition for Euro 2024: Diana Reinsdorf-Beutler from Alpha-Engineering! With an impressive 116 points, she beat around 240 colleagues to take first place. 

As a prize, Diana received a hotel voucher worth 300 euros. Moustafa Jamo, our Head of Corporate Communications and Marketing, presented the prize in person in Erfurt and took the opportunity to get to know the branch on site.

Diana is already looking forward to the next World Cup and hopes for similar success in the next Kicktipp game.

We wish Diana lots of fun on her next trip with her prize and congratulate her once again on this great achievement!

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