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About Us
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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235


Alpha-Med KG strengthens its presence in the educational and social sector

We are pleased to report on Alpha-Med KG’s latest successes in the area of “Education and Social Affairs”. Thanks to the establishment of an internal task force, we have been able to pool our expertise and create uniform processes and standards that fit perfectly with the overall image of our group of companies.

The area of personnel services for educational and social professions is constantly growing and with Alpha-Med KG we are part of this growth. Our specialist teams help us to coordinate the increasing demand and expand the sector.

In addition to building up our specialized locations for education and social services, we have once again expanded our expertise in our existing medical branches with the help of strategic planning and training. Through constant exchange and the resulting synergies, all branches were able to further develop their skills and expand the educational and social sector throughout Germany. Our educational travel program, which we call “Time Travel”, offers our employees exciting and varied assignments in various facilities throughout the country.

We are proud to have taken a further step with our expertise to advance the educational and social job market.

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