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AlphaConsult Premium Zwickau supports IGM school leavers: A contribution to education and the future

AlphaConsult Premium Zwickau supports IGM school leavers: A contribution to education and the future

AlphaConsult Premium KG Zwickau has sponsored the Abitur newspaper for this year’s graduating class at the international grammar school in Meerane (IGM). The IGM is a grammar school within the Saxony-International-School association that offers in-depth language training. With the exception of German and maths, all subjects are taught in English and some in Spanish. Students from Vietnam are also taught at the school from year five onwards and can also take the Saxon Abitur.

The student responsible for the Abitur newspaper, Allegra-Sophie Hofmann, was delighted with the financial commitment of AlphaConsult Premium KG Zwickau. ‘This helped us a lot with the planning and implementation, including the programme and the Abi trip to Mallorca,’ she said when handing over a copy of the newspaper to AlphaConsult Premium KG Zwickau. The branch manager of AlphaConsult Premium KG Zwickau, Eilhard Wegner, also learnt that all the students had passed their Abitur exams.

He concluded by wishing the graduates, who are now starting their studies, a year abroad or an apprenticeship, good luck and success both professionally and personally. 

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