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B2Run company run in Munich: We were there as a “DKMS charity starter”!

On July 17, the Alpha-Engineering team, consisting of Marion Wolf, Sebastian Schmidts, Meryem Yildirim and Aurora Bruno, took part in the B2Run company run in Munich, which takes place in numerous major cities in Germany. The route led through the Olympic Park, with the finish line in the Olympic Stadium. Unfortunately, two of our colleagues were unable to take part, but our team still had a great time and a lot of fun.

Once again this year, we were able to support DKMS together with B2Run, which makes us really proud as a company! As a long-standing charity partner of B2Run, DKMS is committed to the fight against blood cancer. With an additional contribution of just 5 euros per starting place, we have helped to make vital stem cell donations possible as so-called “DKMS Charity Starters”. All proceeds will be forwarded directly to the DKMS Donor Center gGmbH.

The B2Run is about more than just running. It’s about team spirit, shared experiences and achieving goals – all around some of Germany’s best-known stadiums. Whether you are a runner, walker or Nordic walker, the distances of five to six kilometers are feasible for everyone.

By participating together, we have further strengthened the team spirit. As Sophie Hoffmann, Sports and Administration Assistant at Deutscher Eisenbahner-Sportvereine e.V., aptly describes:

“B2Run is an absolute must-attend event for us every year – not only because of the great organization, but also because of the beautiful course selection and the unique stadium finish. It’s always fun to unite colleagues from different business areas at a team event“ (At B2Run, everyone is #activetogether, 2022)”.

After the run, the team spent some time on the grounds and rounded off the day with a meal together. We are already looking forward to the next event – because only together can we make a difference!

Source link:

Bei B2Run sind alle #gemeinsamaktiv (B. Hoffmann). (2022). © B2RUN 2024. https://www.b2run.de/run/de/de/infos/was-ist-b2run/index.html

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