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Sales training at the AlphaConsult Group

Moderated by Melanie Mager-Kornisch (COO) and Ivonne Vogel (Regional Sales Manager), our AlphaConsult Group sales training took place in July 2024. Participants from various branches and experience levels came together to deepen their knowledge.

The focus of the training was on recruitment and the Temp-to-Perm model, areas with great potential for the Group. Managing Director, Udo Lutz, and CFO, Thomas Lang, enriched the event and emphasized the importance of the content conveyed.

The sales training was characterized by open exchange and practical content. Topics such as dealing with objections, candidate-oriented sales and the use of KPIs were discussed in depth.

A particular focus was placed on developing empathetic customer relationships and the effective use of application management software.

The conclusion was consistently positive: the participants benefited from new impulses and concrete solutions. An additional added value was the opportunity to network and get to know each other personally.

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