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The wait is over – your new job in record time

The wait is over – your new job in record time

Waiting is an integral part of our everyday lives. Be it in traffic jams, at the supermarket checkout or in the waiting room – the time we spend waiting adds up. According to a study by Esquire, we spend around 38 hours a year in traffic jams, six hours at the supermarket checkout, 7.5 hours in the waiting room and an astonishing 156 hours in front of the computer. On top of that, we spend 45 hours on hold. These figures show how much valuable time is lost.

You are probably familiar with the following situation: you have applied for an interesting job but have not yet received a reply. One area where you need to be very patient is the application process. According to a survey conducted by Statista in 2023, it takes an average of 3-4 weeks for applicants to hear back from the company. This waiting time can not only be frustrating, but can also lead to talented candidates dropping out and looking elsewhere.

We make a point of respecting and valuing our applicants’ time. According to Ms Jennifer Bollmann (Regional Manager, Alpha-Med), the time between receipt of an application and the first response in her area is around 24 hours. This does not include applications at the weekend.

We are aware that fast and transparent communication is crucial. For this reason, we endeavour to make the application process as efficient as possible. Foad Bachari (Regional Manager: Alpha-Engineering) will get in touch with relevant applications as soon as they are received. Applications at the weekend are also excluded here. In his opinion, telephone contact works best and leads to the greatest success. He was even able to get to know one applicant within seven working days, introduce him to a customer and employ him successfully straight away. That’s almost record-breaking at Alpha-Engineering. 

In a world where we already spend so much time waiting, our aim is to make the application process as pleasant and smooth as possible.

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