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The New Recruiting – Alpha-Engineering designs talent management in teamwork

The New Recruiting – Alpha-Engineering designs talent management in teamwork

In a rapidly changing world, organisations need to adapt their strategies to compete for the best talent. At Alpha-Engineering, we are proud to be part of this exciting shift in talent management, which we call “New Recruiting”. This approach represents not only an evolution in the way we identify and attract talent, but also a profound change in the way we work with our own people to shape the future.

Kübra and Meryem from Alpha-Engineering sit in different branches and met to optimise projects and processes together. This initiative shows that “New Recruiting” is not just a theoretical idea at Alpha-Engineering and in the rest of the AlphaConsult Group, but is being put into practice.

We are convinced that the future of talent management in the AlphaConsult Group will be characterised by the joint efforts and commitment of all employees. The “New Recruiting” is not just a concept, but a way of life that helps us to master the challenges of the modern working world and be successful as a team.

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