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The Alpha-Meeting in Erfurt

The Alpha-Meeting in Erfurt

Invitation, meeting and synergies: The Alpha branches in Thuringia recently came together for an inspiring meeting at Alpha Engineering in Erfurt. AE, ACP and AC – three strong pillars of the Alpha Group – have joined forces to strengthen cooperation, make better use of synergies and fully exploit the potential within the Group.

The motto is: better marketing of the multi-brand strategy and raising the profile of the entire Alpha Group. By working closely together, we can not only learn from each other, but also break new ground together and thus make the market even more successful.

The meeting served not only to exchange ideas, but also to get to know everyone involved on a personal level. The focus is on working together, because we are convinced that the best results are achieved in a team that knows and appreciates each other. Each individual is an important part of Alpha, and together we can achieve great things. 

The diversity of skills, ideas and experience in the Alpha branches is impressive. Through close cooperation, we can use this diversity to develop innovative solutions that inspire our customers and set new standards. The strength of Alpha lies not only in the individual branches, but above all in the sum of their parts.

We are Alpha – a strong community characterized by cooperation, openness and the will to succeed together. This meeting in Erfurt marks an important step on our way to making even better use of the Alpha Group’s potential and achieving great things together. We look forward to continuing to work together and are convinced that together we are unbeatable!

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