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Happy Father’s Day and Family Day from the AlphaConsult-Group!

Happy Father’s Day and Family Day from the AlphaConsult-Group!

The AlphaConsult-Group stands not only for success, diversity and development, but above all for humanity and the appreciation of all our employees. That is why days like these are important to emphasise.

In addition to the religious holiday ‘Ascension Day’, the whole of Germany celebrates Father’s Day, also known as Men’s Day. The focus here is on the appreciation of every father and their achievements, but this day is also known as Family Day. There are many different family constellations that unfortunately no longer have a father’s role in their lives or have never had one, but are still allowed to celebrate this day.

Because today, the focus is on the family in all its forms. Unfortunately, family sometimes gets the short end of the stick in everyday and professional life. However, today is the perfect day to take the time to do something with your loved ones. Whether it’s a city tour, as is traditional in many places in Germany, or simply a nice get-together in the close circle.

We, the AlphaConsult-Group, wish all families a wonderful day, no matter how or what they are celebrating today. We would also like to thank all fathers for their commitment.

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