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Stronger bond thanks to bachelor thesis – the interview with Makda

Stronger bond thanks to bachelor thesis – the interview with Makda

From the lecture hall straight into a start-up: how a Bachelor’s thesis at Alpha-Students paved the way into the professional world. Today we are talking to Makda, who recently graduated in Management and Human Resources and is now starting out at Alpha-Students. She talks about writing her Bachelor’s thesis at Alpha-Students.

First of all, congratulations dear Makda, you have now completed your Bachelor’s degree and have been taken on by Alpha-Students! How does it feel to start working straight after graduating?

The transition from studying to working life was exciting and also a bit overwhelming for me, as I was finally able to apply my skills. It was a challenge at first to go straight from being a student to a full-time job, but I quickly got used to it. The most important thing is that I really enjoy my work.

What did you study and what topic is your Bachelor’s thesis on?

I studied Management and Human Resources at Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences. Roughly speaking, my thesis dealt with the topic of “employee retention” and improving the onboarding process at Alpha-Students GmbH.

You did your Bachelor’s degree at a very young company, what was it like to write your Bachelor’s thesis in collaboration with a start-up?

Working with a start-up for my Bachelor’s thesis was an exciting experience that gave me the opportunity to develop creative solutions. The size of the company played a subordinate role for me. First and foremost, it was important for me to have a supervisor with expertise and Andrea was perfect in this respect.

How did you go about writing your Bachelor’s thesis?

During the preparation of my Bachelor’s thesis, I first devoted myself to extensive literature research. I received valuable support from Andrea and other internal employees, especially in the later methodology section. Working with Alpha-Students never gave me the feeling of being left alone. Andrea and the team stood by my side and ensured that my work was successfully implemented.

What did you particularly like about this process?

What I particularly liked about the process was the hands-on approach where I was able to tackle real business challenges. The openness and freedom I was given in writing the thesis allowed me to explore creative avenues. I also appreciated the comprehensive support of the team, which was always available throughout the process, I felt well looked after.

Your work dealt with the topic of employee retention. Did the opportunity to write this thesis at Alpha-Students influence your bond with the company?

Definitely, my bond with Alpha-Students has strengthened. It was by no means a matter of course for me to write my thesis with a start-up.

Was there close collaboration between Alpha-Students and your professor?

The collaboration between Alpha-Students, my professor and myself was well organized. We started with a video call to define the framework of the thesis. After I had submitted my thesis, Andrea and my professor met again to evaluate my work and agree on a joint assessment. This close exchange ensured a transparent and fair evaluation of my thesis.

Why did you decide to pursue a long-term career with Alpha-Students?

I like the regular contact with the students. As I was enrolled myself until recently, I think I understand their needs and perspectives well

Would you do it again?

Looking back, I would definitely make the same choice again. The work was an extremely educational experience from which I learned a lot about myself.

What tips would you give to prospective Bachelor candidates who would also do a Bachelor with us?

I would advise prospective Bachelor’s candidates not to just stay in their own department, but to actively seek contact with other departments.

This approach encourages dialogue between different departments and can uncover previously unrecognized opportunities and potential.

Afterwards, Makda thanks us for the informative discussion and offers to answer any questions that may arise on this or other topics. Thank you very much, Makda!

Makda Ziggi and Andrea Weller-Zehl

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