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We show our colours – The “Maritime Days”

We show our colours – The “Maritime Days”

The “Maritime Days” are undoubtedly the annual highlight in Bremerhaven.

This year, around 400,000 visitors once again flocked along the picturesque harbour basin to enjoy five days of maritime flair and the exciting life of seafarers in bright sunshine.

Like a shining string of pearls, the shining stars of the harbour festival were lined up along the quay – 80 ships from different countries.

Among them was the famous “Alexander von Humboldt II”, familiar to many from television.

But among all the ships, one visitor from Spain stood out in particular: the historic “Galeon Analucia”.

This ship was a faithful replica of a galleon, those impressive ocean-going vessels that were used in the 16th century both in wars and expeditions.

The “Galeon Analucia” was a witness to the glorious era when Spanish seafaring dominated the world’s oceans.

Visitors who wanted to step onto the deck of the “Galeon Analucia” passed one of several flags waving in the wind that framed the harbour basin. The very flag proudly carried the logo of AlphaConsult and presented us with all its AlphaConsult groups.

The maritime days in Bremerhaven will undoubtedly be remembered by the visitors for a long time.

Likewise us, the branch office of AlphaConsult Premium KG in Bremerhaven, as we were allowed to symbolically share our attachment to this maritime city and the enthusiasm for exciting seafaring with the community through the flag.

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