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The perfect match – from university to manager

Our company Alpha-Students GmbH supports university graduates like Makda in their first career steps.

Makda successfully started at Alpha-Students in 2023 straight after graduating. Almost a year later, we interviewed her to find out more about her start: “Looking back, I would definitely make the same choice again (…).” She reports that the transition from studying to a full-time position was both overwhelming and exciting. Initially, it was a challenge to get used to the new working environment, but she quickly found her feet.

The head of the Alpha-Students division, Andrea Weller-Zehl, already supported Makda during her final thesis at Heilbronn University in Management and Human Resources. Ms. Weller-Zehl was not only her thesis supervisor, but also helped her decide to write her thesis in collaboration with Alpha-Students. This step strengthened her bond with the company: “(…), my bond with Alpha-Students has become stronger. It was by no means a matter of course for me to write my thesis with a start-up.”

After her successful graduation, it was clear to Ms. Weller-Zehl that Makda – true to the motto: the perfect match – was the perfect addition to the Mannheim branch. Her work-study position provided an ideal basis for the new challenge as a consultant. Makda was quickly able to prove herself in her new role.

Her career development was significantly accelerated by the support of Alpha-Students. She was able to work independently right from the start. The regular feedback in the weekly meetings provides a secure basis for her personal and professional development. This direct feedback and suggestions within the team also boost her self-confidence.

She is particularly proud of a project in which she was able to look after a customer independently and became the central point of contact for all external employees. According to Makda, this project demonstrates the excellent opportunities for advancement within the company, as she is continuously supported and mentored.

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